So what is a distribution license you ask?
Basically it boils down to selling liquor to licensed entities or person. You are not allowed to sell liquor to the public like a liquor store.
Most people call this license a "wholesale" license. But the wholesale license has fallen out of the Provincial act and is now regulated under the National liquor act.
Sale of Liquor.
Your registration enables you to sell to LICENSED businesses who will resell the product.
You may not sell to the public for own consumption or to any unlicensed person or entity.
Trading Hours:
Monday to Saturday between
09h00 and 18h00.
No trading on Sundays and
public holidays.
These hours are subject to
conditions imposed by the National Liquor Authority, and if the Municipality
has not determined the trading days and trading hours.
Manufacturing, loading and
traveling may be conducted outside these hours. But off loading of liquor to
your client may not take place outside these hours.
A manufacturer or
Distributor may deliver and off load to their own warehouse (no transaction
takes place) after these hours.
Delivery of Liquor.
To deliver liquor the
following is important:
- Only
liquor that has been ordered must be in the vehicle.
- The
original invoice to be kept on the registered premise and copy in the
delivery vehicle stating;
registration number of both client and manufacturer/distributor.
of issue of invoice.
and quantity of liquor.
paid for by the client
- Do
not deliver to any address not mentioned on the invoice.
Keeping Record
Keep record of all liquor
sold in written or electronic form and it must contain the following:
- Customer
- Certified
copy of your Customer’s National Liquor Authority Registration
- Invoice
numbers and dates of issue.
- Kind
and quantity of liquor sold.
- Purchase
price paid.
Until October 2014 the
threshold for BEE exemption is R5m turnover per year. After October 2014 the
threshold will be R10m turnover per year. If your turnover exceeds R10m after
October 2014 you cab contact our office,
You must file an annual
information return in FORM NLA 28 at
least 30 days before the anniversary of your registration certificate.
(This is your application for renewal of your registration.)
A registrant who is the
holder of an import certificate in terms of section 16 of the Liquor Products
act 1989 (act No. 60 of 1989) must file an annual information return in FORM
NLA 29 on or before 31 March each year.
Contact your Liquor License
Consultant if you require assistance. It
is the registrant’s duty to remember this important event and we as Liquor
License Consultants do not accept responsibility to remind the registrant.
SAPD officials.
The SAPS has appointed
dedicated officials who will enforce the law. Each official will have an
appointment certificate and proof identity. Should you be non compliant they
will issue a notice of non compliance. Should you not rectify the non
compliance a criminal docket will be opened and the process of deregistration
will begin.
Should you require further information, kindly
082 556 8368
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