Friday, 28 June 2013

Liquor License: Important information relating to a Liquor License...

Liquor License: Important information relating to a Liquor License...: Important information relating to a Liquor Licensed Premises. Gauteng Liquor Act 2 of 2003 1.       The liquor license certific...

Important information relating to a Liquor Licensed Premises. Gauteng Liquor Act 2 of 2003

Important information relating to a Liquor Licensed Premises.
Gauteng Liquor Act 2 of 2003

1.      The liquor license certificate must be displayed on a conspicuous place on the premises and be produced on demand by a person authorized thereto by this act or any law.
2.      If your liquor license is in the name of a Close Corporation, Company etc. a section 40 application must be made whereby a natural person is appointed as manager over the license.
3.      If the liquor license is in the name of a natural person, and the license holder is not permanently present at the premises, a person who is permanently at the premises must be appointed in terms of Section 40.)
4.      Do not make any structural changes to the premise before a Section 43 application for the alteration, addition or reconstruction of the premises has been approved by the liquor board.
5.      A licensee shall refuse to sell alcohol to an intoxicated person.
6.      A licensee must display on the front door or window of a licensed premises a notice with characters of larger than 5 centimeters in height the following:                                   

  •  Name of Business.
  •  Type of license 
  •  Times of Business
  •  License Number

7.   Selling of liquor is regarded if you exchange or keep, offer, display, deliver, supply or dispose of for sale, or authorize or allow a sale. Supply is to place a person. in possession or control of the liquor for consumption. Therefore if you do not have a liquor license do not charge a cover charge with “free Liquor” or other methods to justify an unlawful sale of liquor.
8.   Ensure that you choose an experienced liquor consultant who can supply references and proof of successful liquor license applications. Where an application for a license has been refused by the Board, no new application may be made in respect of the same premises within a period of one year from date of refusal....
9.   Gauteng Liquor licenses must be renewed one day before the original issue date of the Liquor License. If you renew one month after the issue date a fine of 50% and two months after the issue date a fine of 100%is imposed. The third month the license expires without a possibility of reinstating the license. A new application must then be made. A renewal advice must be collected from the Board and payment must be made at First National Bank. Your renewal advice and FNB receipt must be kept for the renewal process of the following year.
10. The practice of renting a liquor license is unlawful and can result in the closure of the business and the possibility of further legal action.
11. A liquor license in Gauteng can not be removed from one premises and transferred to another premises. A new application must be made on the new premises.
12. Sale of liquor to individuals under 18 years old is regarded in a serious light and can result in criminal charges brought against the seller and / or the license holder.
13. There is no liquor license which will allow 24 hour delivery or sale of liquor.

For free advise contact

Frik Liebenberg

Frik Liebenberg Business Advisory Services cc 99/05522/23

082 556 8368

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

What to look out for when buying a business with a liquor license.

What to look out for when buying a business with a liquor license.

When buying a business that has a liquor license, it needs the special skills of a Business Broker that has extensive knowledge of the liquor law. The liquor law is unforgiving and an invalid or defective liquor license can mean closure of the business.
When buying a business that is dependent on a valid liquor license it must be a condition president in the sales contract that the seller hands over a valid and paid up liquor license. This is difficult at times to determine if you don`t have liquor license experience. An application for a new liquor license can take months to be approved.
Before buying a licensed business, the buyer should consult a reputable liquor license consultant and request the consultant to inspect the documents and the premises. Some businesses has evolved over years with the result that they operate in contravention of the liquor law, and face the danger of closure by the crime prevention team.
The transfer of the liquor license must be handled by a competent consultant. If this is not so, the business might be prevented to trade in liquor.
The seller faces a dilemma when selling a licensed business on terms. The liquor license must be protected should the buyer default and if the seller is forced to reposes the business to minimize his damage. If the buyer trades on the sellers liquor license, the business will be closed by the authorities or the seller may be prosecuted for transgressions on the premises even though he is not in attendance.

There are fraudulent liquor licenses and great care must be taken to ensure that the business is legally licensed to sell alcohol.

For More information on liquor licensing visit 

And for more information on Selling you business
 Please visit 

Or phone Frik Liebenberg 082 556 8368

Liquor license consultant

Frik Liebenberg Liquor License Consultants pride themselves in their ethical conduct and integrity. We are highly rated for our quality of Liquor License Applications and success rate of approved Liquor License Applications.

We insist that the applicant and the premises comply with all the requirements of the Liquor Act before we accept any payment or instruction from the applicant to proceed with the application 
We are Business Brokers since 1995, registered with the Estate Agency Affairs Board (NQF5) and have owned businesses since 1994. We have first-hand knowledge of retail in the Liquor Industry, as well as the establishment of new Liquor related businesses.

Our services include the following:
  • Applications for new Liquor Licenses. (Both under the National and Provincial Liquor Acts.)
  • Applications for transfer of Liquor licenses.
  • Applications for appointment of Managers
  • Applications for Catering or Occasional Permits
  • Applications for alterations and extension of licensed premises.
  • Applications for a Micro Manufacturers Liquor License.
  • Establishment of new Liquor related businesses from the lease agreement, application for a Liquor License, equipment, stock and finally opening of the business.
  • Assistance with the purchase of a Liquor Related or other Business. This includes a Purchase agreement, transfer of the Liquor License, hand over procedure of the new business and advertisements in terms of Section 34 of the Insolvency Act of 1936 (as amended).
  • Valuations of a Businesses in term of acceptable procedures to determine the market price that a willing and able buyer will be prepared to pay for a business under current conditions.  
  • Liquor License related advice is free of charge.
Visit for more information on Liquor licensing
or Phone Frik Liebenberg 082 556 8368

We sell businesses in Vaal Triangle visit for a full list of businesses for sale