Friday, 26 July 2013

Choosing a Liquor License Consultant

The applicant must take great care in choosing a Liquor License Consultant. Unfortunately there are many unethical and incompetent Liquor License Consultants.
To safeguard yourself use the following check points to evaluate a Liquor License consultant.                   
  1. Ask for references and proof that the Liquor Licenses of the references given to you have been issued by the Liquor Board.
  2. Ask for a written quote. Ask the questions – what is included/excluded? What cost must be paid by the applicant once the Liquor License is handed to him
(Does the Liquor Consultant pay the application fee, floor plan, photos, advertisements in the Government Gazette/Newspapers; does he pay for  the Liquor Traders registration (if applicable)?
  1. How long has the Liquor License consultant been operating? Ask for proof of his first successful Liquor License that was issued by the Liquor Board.
  2. Ask for identification of the Liquor License Consultant and record it.  
Please note.
Section 23 (3) of the Gauteng Liquor Act 2 of 2003
Where an application for a license has been refused by the Board, NO new application may be made in respect of the same premises within 1 (one) year from the date of refusal, except by special leave granted at the discretion of the Board.   It is therefore critical to choose your Liquor License Consultant with care.

Contact Us for more information 
Phone: 082 556 8368

We sell businesses in Vaal Triangle.

What to look for when buying a business

What to look for when buying a business.

A checklist as long as a persons imagination can be drawn up. However for the purpose of this exercise we list a few items that might assist a potential buyer of a small business in deciding to buy or not to buy.
·         Why is the business for sale? 

·         What was the income of the business and what is the earning potential of the business?
The seller`s income and the buyer`s income will never be the same. No two people make the same business decisions. A simple business decision can have a major effect on the profitability of the business. Some decisions only show their result over months or even years.

To determine the income of a business a buyer can look at the:
- Financial statements of the business, however the financial statements seldom reflect true figures and are often corrupt.
- Purchases of the business. A retail business such as a liquor store can be evaluated by investigating the purchases over a period of at least a year. From that information you can establish an estimated turnover figure. Check the invoices of the purchases. Establish the mark up- percentage of the products and apply it to the products and quantities. The invoices for the overhead cost and other expenses can be brought into the calculation to establish an estimated net profit. A restaurant which have high volumes of liquor purchases will have higher profit margins than a take away which does not have liquor sales.   
- Stock holding. There are businesses which have a correlation between their stockholding and their turnover figure. A liquor store with a stockholding of R80 000 can hardly have a turnover of
R400 000 per month.
- Observe. By observing the situation inside the business and store room, one can form a picture
of the operation of the business. If it is a manufacturing business, the work- in- progress can tell a story. If the store room of a liquor store is packed to capacity with quart empty beer bottles, one can assume that the seller is servicing shebeens. This business has a very high turnover with low profit margins. Some businesses are clearly over staffed which inflates the expenses and reduces the profit margins. The cost of the rent in relation to the turnover is critical. A rent which exceeds 15% of the turnover is most undesirable.
            - How long did the seller have the business? This information together with the reason for selling             can be a factor in deciding to buy the business.
            - Did the Business support the sellers household or did they have another income?

            If the business was the only source of income for the sellers household for a some time it can count               as a positive factor in the decision process.

We also do Liquor licenses
visit for more information.

You can contact us directly on 
Phone: 082 556 8368

Monday, 22 July 2013

Business Profile Of Frik Liebenberg Liquor license consultant and business broker

Frik Liebenberg Business Brokers and Liquor License Consultants, is the oldest business brokers in the Vaal Triangle and operates mainly in the Vereeniging, Vanderbijlpark, Meyerton and Sasolburg areas.
Business Broking is regulated by the Estate Agency Affairs Board. Frik Liebenberg is the principal and is registered with the Estate Agency Affairs Board since 1996 and is the holder of a national certificate: Real Estate, NQF level 5 certificate, and is a certified Business Broker Realtor (CBBR). (His valid Fidelity Fund Certificate is available on request.) In 1988 he completed the three year National Diploma Marketing and Sales Management.
He owned several businesses and has extensive experience in the liquor trade businesses and other retail businesses.
Confidentiality guaranteed.
The seller or prospective buyer of a business can rest assured that we keep all information confidential. We meet the prospective buyer for a sit down meeting where all the buyer`s relevant information is recorded as required by the FICA act, act 38, 2001. The prospective buyer is required to sign a non-disclosure document prior to receiving any information of the business.
Prospective Buyers Interview.
All prospective buyers are interviewed to confirm their understanding of the buying process of a business, the working capital required over and above the purchase price, cash flow, legal and licensing requirements, the stock implications at time of hand-over, the impact of Section 34 of the insolvency act and the impact of the Labor Relations Act on the business buying process.
Screening of Prospective Buyers. 
In our effort  to find a willing and able buyer, we must be confident that the  prospective buyer is able to buy taking into account the factors influencing the cost to purchase the business over and above the purchase price.


Valuation of a Business.
We can assist with the determining the market value of your business. A realistic market value of a business can save time in selling the business.

The Marketing of a Business.
A business must be discreetly marketed. It is preferred that at the marketing stages the staff and customers are not aware of the owners intention to sell. The staff is placed under undue stress, and incidents of low morale, theft and even resignations were reported. Once the negotiations reach a certain stage the staff are informed and reassured of their position in the business.
If the public is aware that the business is for sale, a perception can develop that the business is in trouble. It can influence the viability of the business. The suppliers also become nervous and future deliveries can be jeopardized. Some suppliers may close accounts with the business in order to secure their interest.
Negotiating the Sale.
We are trained to negotiate the sale in such a manner that the prospective buyer and the seller are not influenced by one another’s actions or egos.
Financing a Business.
From experience we have learned that to get finance on the purchase of a Business is extremely difficult if not impossible. The requirements for a Business loan is too stringent for the average small business. Financial institutions will also not finance the goodwill of the business. A buyer must have considerable own contribution in cash and ample security to offer. The business will not be considered security for the loan. If the doors of the business are closed, the business has no value except for the few rand of equipment on auction.  A business loan can be payable over five years, which increases the monthly payments to such a figure, that the profits of the business is not enough the service the loan and to give the lender a reasonable income for cash flow and personal use.

No financial institution will finance a business with a 100% loan.  

You Can contact us:
Via Phone: 082 556 8368
Follow us on twitter: @licensingliquor
Follow us on Facebook LiquorLicenceapplications

Monday, 15 July 2013

Can I operate a business without a liquor license and charge an entrance fee??

Can I operate a business without a liquor license and charge an entrance fee or include the price of the liquor in the food bill.


No. The definition of “sell” includes, but is not limited to the following: exchange or keep, offer, display deliver, supply or dispose of for sale, or authorize, direct or allow a sale.                

Section 134 of the Gauteng Liquor Act 2 of 2003; Proof of sale of liquor- Evidence in any criminal proceedings that any person who is not licensed-

(a) had or near his or her premises any signboard or notice purporting that he or she holds a license;
(b) was in occupation or control of premises fitted out with a bar or similar place containing bottles, casks or other receptacles so displayed as to induce a reasonable suspicion that liquor was sold thereon;
(c) had on his or her premises more liquor than reasonably required for his or her personal use and for the use of any person residing thereon: or

(d) bought or procured or had in his or her possession or custody or under his or her control more liquor than was reasonably for consumption by himself or herself, his or her family or his or her bona fide employees or guests, shall be prima facie proof of sale of liquor by the first mentioned person.  

For More information Please Contact 

Frik Liebenberg 

082 556 8368

Or Visit
You can following us on twitter @licensingliquorWe are also on Facebook 

Liquor License: May I Rent a liquor license????

Liquor License: May I Rent a liquor license????: Q             May I rent a Liquor License from a license holder or may I use the license of the               landlord? No. S...

May I Rent a liquor license????

Q           May I rent a Liquor License from a license holder or may I use the license of the

No. Some people rent the business with the liquor license from the owner of the business or the landlord. The license holder remains the ultimate responsible person for the liquor license and will be held accountable for any contraventions by the lessee. Some try to sidestep the act by applying for an appointment of manager for the tenant. The question remains, whose business is it and who is the financial beneficiary of the business. Nobody may trade with liquor if he or she has been convicted and sentenced for any offence to imprisonment without the option of a fine for a certain period, has been convicted in terms of the liquor act for a certain period,  is a minor, is an unrehabilitated insolvent and other conditions. If you rent the license, the authority did not have the opportunity to approve or decline the operator.

For More Information Please contact
Frik Liebenberg 
082 556 8368

Or visit

You can also follow us on twitter @licensingliquor

We are also on Facebook Liquor License applications  

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Liquor License: Is your Business for sale??


Is your Business for sale??



WE:                                                         WE:




                       PHONE FRIK LIEBENBERG
    082 556 8368 SELL.    (016)981 6153 W ,    086 585 0751 F

We also do liquor licensing visit

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Frik Liebenberg Liquor license and business broker profile

Frik Liebenberg Business Brokers and Liquor License Consultants

Frik Liebenberg Business Brokers and Liquor License Consultants, is the oldest business brokers in the Vaal Triangle and operates mainly in the Vereeniging, Vanderbijlpark, Meyerton and Sasolburg areas.
Business Broking is regulated by the Estate Agency Affairs Board. Frik Liebenberg is the principal and is registered with the Estate Agency Affairs Board since 1996 and is the holder of a national certificate: Real Estate, NQF level 5 certificate, and is a certified Business Broker Realtor (CBBR). (His valid Fidelity Fund Certificate is available on request.) In 1988 he completed the three year National Diploma Marketing and Sales Management.
He owned several businesses and has extensive experience in the liquor trade businesses and other retail businesses.

Confidentiality guaranteed.
The seller or prospective buyer of a business can rest assured that we keep all information confidential. We meet the prospective buyer for a sit down meeting where all the buyer`s relevant information is recorded as required by the FICA act,    
                                      act 38, 2001. The prospective buyer is required to sign a non-disclosure document  
                                      prior to receiving any information of the business.

Prospective Buyers Interview.
All prospective buyers are interviewed to confirm their understanding of the buying process of a business, the working capital required over and above the purchase price, cash flow, legal and licensing requirements, the stock implications at time of hand-over, the impact of Section 34 of the insolvency act and the impact of the Labor Relations Act on the business buying process.

Screening of Prospective Buyers. 
In our effort  to find a willing and able buyer, we must be confident that the  prospective buyer is able to buy taking into account the factors influencing the cost to purchase the business over and above the purchase price.


Valuation of a Business.
We can assist with the determining the market value of your business. A realistic market value of a business can save time in selling the business.

The Marketing of a Business.
A business must be discreetly marketed. It is preferred that at the marketing stages the staff and customers are not aware of the owners intention to sell. The staff is placed under undue stress, and incidents of low morale, theft and even resignations were reported. Once the negotiations reach a certain stage the staff are informed and reassured of their position in the business.
If the public is aware that the business is for sale, a perception can develop that the business is in trouble. It can influence the viability of the business. The suppliers also become nervous and future deliveries can be jeopardized. Some suppliers may close accounts with the business in order to secure their interest.

Negotiating the Sale.
We are trained to negotiate the sale in such a manner that the prospective buyer and the seller are not influenced by one another’s actions or egos.

Financing a Business.
From experience we have learned that to get finance on the purchase of a Business is extremely difficult if not impossible. The requirements for a Business loan is too stringent for the average small business. Financial institutions will also not finance the goodwill of the business. A buyer must have considerable own contribution in cash and ample security to offer. The business will not be considered security for the loan. If the doors of the business are closed, the business has no value except for the few rand of equipment on auction.  A business loan can be payable over five years, which increases the monthly payments to such a figure, that the profits of the business is not enough the service the loan and to give the lender a reasonable income for cash flow and personal use.

No financial institution will finance a business with a 100% loan.  

Liquor licensing services

  • Applications for new Liquor Licenses. (Both under the National and Provincial Liquor Acts.)
  • Applications for transfer of Liquor licenses.
  • Applications for appointment of Managers
  • Applications for Catering or Occasional Permits
  • Applications for alterations and extension of licensed premises.
  • Applications for a Micro Manufacturers Liquor License.
  • Establishment of new Liquor related businesses from the lease agreement, application for a Liquor License, equipment, stock and finally opening of the business.
  • Assistance with the purchase of a Liquor Related or other Business. This includes a Purchase agreement, transfer of the Liquor License, hand over procedure of the new business and advertisements in terms of Section 34 of the Insolvency Act of 1936 (as amended).
  • Valuations of a Businesses in term of acceptable procedures to determine the market price that a willing and able buyer will be prepared to pay for a business under current conditions.  
  • Liquor License related advice is free of charge.
Please visit www.businessexperts for all your business broking needs or a full list of businesses for sale in Vaal Triangle.

OR for your liquor licensing needs visit

You can contact Frik Liebenberg directly on 082 556 8368 or email

Liquor License: Before applying for a liquor license in Gauteng Pr...

Liquor License: Before applying for a liquor license in Gauteng Pr...: Before you apply for a Liquor License To make sure that the Zoning of the proposed premises does not prohibit the application of a  L...

Before applying for a liquor license in Gauteng Province

Before you apply for a Liquor License

To make sure that the Zoning of the proposed premises does not prohibit the application of a Liquor License. You can apply for a Zoning Certificate at your local Municipality. Under the Gauteng Liquor Act, the applicant of a Liquor License in Gauteng for a Liquor Store, Pub, Tavern, pool club, and Night club must obtain, in writing, a local authority approval to apply for such a liquor license. This is in addition to any Zoning laws. It is advisable not to apply for a liquor license if this is not in place.

                                          For more information please visit 

or phone Frik Liebenberg 
082 556 8368

We also sell businesses exclusively in the Vaal Triangle area.
visit for more information